Financially Supporting the Sachs
Financial gifts to the Daniel Sachs Class of 1960 Scholarship can be made online or via check payable to Princeton University .
Checks should be sent to:
Princeton University
Office of Gift Records
P.O. Box 5357
Princeton, NJ 08543-5357
In either case, please indicate that the gift is designated for the Daniel Sachs Class of 1960 Scholarship.
Highlights of supporting and celebrating the Sachs Scholarship
- Sachs' Memorial Scholarship Fund Grows
- Charles Gillispie: Forty Years of Participation and Support
- Ivy Oration at the Class of 1960's Fiftieth Reunion
- The Scholarship and the Class of 1960
- President Tilghman’s acknowledgment of the Class of 1960’s 2006 gift
- Official letter of appreciation for the Class of 1960's 2006 gift
- Class of 1960's 2006 Sachs Scholarship Fundraising Brochure
- Serving on the Selection Committee (Harry Lord '60)
- Charles Gillispie appreciates Frank Taplin '37